A dramedy that centers on the inner workings of Engine 62, a New York City firehouse, and the personal and emotional battles of its members in a post-9/11 world. The show focuses on Tommy Gavin, the senior firefighter whose life is in turmoil as he copes with the stresses and fears of his job as well the separation from his wife Janet.
Final Rescue Me Season 7 Episode 9 "Ashes", Airing: September 7, 2011 10:00 PM on FX.
Last Episode: Tommy crosses an emotional line with Sheila and lures Lou into a psychological trap after he visits Ground Zero with the guys. Meanwhile, Franco challenges Lou's authority at the firehouse; and Sheila makes Colleen an offer (and won't let her refuse it).
Lou delivers Tommy's letters to Sheila and Janet behind Tommy's back. And "Francostein" runs a tight firehouse as Lou's interim replacement. Then he gets an opportunity to test his leadership skills on a call. Franco demands a sense of responsibility around the house; Lou delivers Tommy's letters.
Colleen and Black Shawn wed, but the day's glow becomes an inferno when a major fire breaks out. Colleen's wedding becomes an emotional affair; the guys tackle the mother of all fires.
Episode Series finale: The guys at 62 Truck struggle to pick up the pieces and move on following a major fire. At the Fire Academy, meanwhile, a new batch of probies hear a familiar speech from a new leader. After Seven Seasons and 92 Episodes, Rescue Me draws to a close. In the highly-anticipated series finale, after the fire, the guys struggle to pick up the pieces. The probies receive a familiar speech and stand before a new leader.